Sleep training, crying and the importance of sleep
Below are some helpful resources and links to studies that might be useful for parents looking to understand more about sleep training, dealing with crying, and why sleep is so important for both babies and parents. These studies offer insights into the science behind sleep, different approaches to sleep training, and how crying can be a part of the process. It’s a great way to dive deeper into the topic and find what works best for your family!
It’s OK to let your baby cry himself to sleep, study finds sleep training did not stress out babies.
Click here to view article
Behavioral Interventions for Infant Sleep Problems: A randomized controlled trial
This study shows that there are no lasting harmful effects of crying during sleep teaching.
Click here to view study.
Parents Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Training Babies to Sleep
A great article about tears and how not all crying is bad. Click here to read.
Sleep Training Doesn't Hurt Your Child
Infant sleep training: rest easy?
Study shows that children sleep better when they have a nightly bedtime routine
Why moms need to prioritize sleep?
How blue light affects kids sleep?​​​